
Want to make great money fast (adults)?MUST BE AT LEAST OF LEGAL AGE WHICH IS 18 YEARS OF AGECurrently looking for escorts that are very friendly and have a great personality. The CLIENT: All clients are professional, established gentlemen. 90% of our clients are repeat customers.The EARNINGS: It is a well know fact that this is a lucrative business to be in and you can’t earn the kind of money that others may promise, but because you are choosing this line of work because you want to make a lot of money per day.. The SCHEDULE: We accommodate to your schedule since we know you might have other responsibilities. WE are very flexible…Qualifications? requirements: We have an outstanding reputation for providing the BEST companions available. We must be selective with our team. If you meet the criteria, we want to talk to you!How to Apply: If you think this is the right agency for you, then please send 3 recent photos that clearly show your face and body. We are legit and pay is according to how much in demand you are in this market by looks and personality towards us the agency and especially the client…ALL applications and photos are 100% confidential and are use for office use only and will not be given to anyone else…I understand that searching for an agency is hard work and you never know who is being honest and who is selling you a dream….We look forward to you joining our team…

Employment Type
Full Time