Unholy Jobs is a FREE adult job board that allows users to post and search for jobs in bars, strip clubs, casinos, escort agencies, tattoo shops, security gigs and more!
In our attempt to keep applicants safe, we only accept the best ads and kick the scammy ones to the curb. Ads are validated and verified as much as possible prior to posting. We check that there is actually a website to look at or to apply to and that the place doesn’t get filled up with fake recruiters or affiliates.
About Adult Job Ad Validations
The UnHolyJobs team will try their best to validate job listings. The first step is to add your job with a proper email address, so if you are a big-time website, you’ll need a real address coming from your site and not a free email account (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc). We get 100+ requests per evening for job ad placement and out of those probably only two will make it onto the site.
The dismissal of ads comes from the poster not having an email address which simply ties them to the site as well, their inability to READ the paragraph just before the posting button about using an email address.
We also look at the ad to ensure its not scammy or requesting too much of the applicant. We may reach out to the job poster to confirm the job or to add more detail.
About the Job You’re Applying For and Your Safety
If you are searching for an adult job, or any job for that matter, your safety is important. Before you hand over or upload your personal information, pictures, etc, be sure you know everything about the company you’re applying to. Some of the bigger named companies may have an affiliate program, and you could be signing up with affiliate. Ask questions!
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