
i my name is Katie and I’m looking to recruit Webcam Models. My website is an extremely Popular Trusted and Busy website. You will be featured in no less than 10 websites so earning potential here is huge. You get paid weekly without fail and the oppertunity is worldwide. You get to work in the comfort and saftey of your own home and what’s more you keep all your hard earned cash. As your agent i am only there to help and give advice I will not interfere or tell you how to run your own business but I gaurntee to promote each and everyone of you to let you earn whatever you need and want.. on average my models earn £1200 a week for an average of 25 hours. There is no set hours you must work nor targets it’s all up to you plus you can stay anonymous if you don’t want to show your face..Looks, Size, Race or gender do not matter all I ask is you are 18 or over. I’m looking for solos, Couples, Straight/Bi/Gay/Lesbian/Trans…. To start now just click the link xx Click only on the Sign up link.. I will always recieve your applications as it is directed to me personally then I will message you to welcome you and advise you when to start.. the General email link may not get responded to so please copy and paste this belowhttp://www.i-camz.com/agent/Model.php?agent=11029Or click on the Website link not the email xx

Work Level
Entry-Level, Experienced, No Experience
Employment Type
Freelance, Full Time, Part Time, Work From Home